I’m having a really hard time coming up with a name for my portfolio. It’s kinda always been something I get stuck on. I chose sabjee for my blog, it’s a nickname my cousin calls me that I kinda like, but then my boyfriend told me it’s actually an Indian vegetable stew and now I’m not sure how I feel about it. Possible names from my actual name are:

  • Sabi Studios or Sabby Studios-What people actually call me, I’m not sure if it sounds professional enough though
  • Sabattack Studios-I think I used it for a character on WoW, might work for web design but I think it might be a little retarded
  • SabbyG Studios-It’s kinda like a gangster name, or it could be cute like SuzieQ, don’t think I like it too much either way though
  • Sabrina Gelbart Studios-Obvious one, timeless, always will suit me, maybe too long though? Doesn’t really have any character
  • S. Gelbart Studios-A bit shorter?

I decided on studios (maybe it should be studio? Studios sounded right to me for some reason) because it keeps it open for film work, it seems more general and I kinda like it more than designs.

Then there are names which don’t pertain to my real name in general. I wanted something kinda whimsical:

  • Mouse in a House Studios-inspired by the Pink Floyd song, my favorite so far

Actually that’s all I’ve really thought of in that department. I’ll update it with more. Post ideas if you have them!